An Environmentally friendly business

We’re an environmentally friendly printing company and we’re proud to play a part in sustainable printing. 

Here are just a few of the initiatives at Colourview that we contribute to:

Woodland Trust

Colourview are proud to be a partner of the Woodland Trust. The trust is responsible for supporting companies to reduce their carbon footprint by locking up carbon emissions through planting trees. 

We work with the Woodland Trust to create new woodlands in the UK, harnessing nature’s simple and powerful way of removing carbon dioxide from the environment.

To find out more visit

FSC® Certified

As an environmentally friendly printing company we are pleased to have been awarded FSC certification (FSC-C004007). 

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) is a global not-for-profit organisation that sets the standards for responsibly managed forests, both environmentally and socially. When timber leaves an FSC certified forest they ensure companies along the supply chain meet best practice standards, and when a product bears the FSC logo, you can be sure it’s been made from responsible sources. In this way, FSC certification helps forests remain thriving environments for generations to come, by helping you make ethical and responsible choices. For more information visit